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زينة علب الصودا

Ever cracked open a can of soda, only to have all the bubbles disappear within seconds? The standard sip but it is flat. Although in the case of a soda can topper or similar, that drink is going to be fizzy for hours on end. How do they work? the toppers that can be closed tightly and keep air out so bubbles stay are better? So these FRIEND زينة علب الصودا are best while listening music or in the Hell-beats of a longer car trip with your family, as well it always great chilling at home with soda.

قل وداعًا للانسكابات مع أغطية علب الصودا هذه.

Ever walk around with a soda and spill it? It so much mess, right? Who needs FRIEND زينة علب البوب — These have the tiny hole for your straw so you can drink more easily without removing it completely. Also, a bigger hole for drinking straight from the can. It even has a larger drinking hole, almost half the size of it is container- As in you could slot some ice cubes or any cute drink additives (fruit and flavourings anyone?) without spilling more if it is with such goodness. These soda lids ensure it will be no spills incoming next time you pop one off.

Why choose FRIEND Soda can toppers?

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